Demonstration by residents of Broadwater Farm in London protest about heavy handed policing of their community,1987

A picture of Margaret Thatcher used as a target pinned to a dart board in a Pub in the north of England exemplifies the hatred for the Prime Minister by many Labour Party supporters in the United Kingdom,1987

Neil Kinnock addressing a rally in Sheffield during the 1993 general election. It was razzamatazz american style and labour were leading in the opinion polls until the hubristic tone of this rally alienated voters and heralded the birth of new labour,1993

Tony Blair at London's Festival Hall addressing party supporters on the night of New Labour's landslide election victory in 1997

A police cordon to prevent striking miners picketing at Shirebrook Colliery during the miner's strike 1984-1985

Members of the seamans Union stage a protest and express their feeling about strike breakers manning the cross channel ferries

In 1988 nurses took diect action and struck demanding better pay and conditions in the NHS,1988

War widows remembrance at the Cenotaph Whitehall,1985

Police shield the South African embassy during an anti-apartheid demonstration and stand on a placard inscribed with the slogan free Nelson Mandela,London 1986

Man wearing John Major mask on College Green beside houses of parliament general election campaign ,1997

Three children part of the travelling band called The Hippy Convoy watch with expressions of surprise and indignation as their parents caravan homes are removed by the police from a farmers field in Wiltshire,1986

Children in an alleyway in a run down council housing estate in Leicester,1989

Pupils at Eton College participate in the traditional Eton Wall Game,1992

Boxers prepare before a boxing contest in Lewisham. The team called The Firm were managed by promoter Frank Maloney 1986

Sikhs in Gravesend

Soul Train Young people enjoy the big dipper in Great Yarmouth before an all-night soul disco,1984

Punk and city gent

Two punks kissing at a demonstration Manchester Against The Missiles in 1981

Neil Kinnock

Portrait of Indian Bengali−English writer Nirad Chauduri

A member of the travelling community generally called The Hippy Convoy crouches by a camp fore

Dr David Owen at a Social Democratic Party Rally. The party formed by a group of breakaway labour politicians [ Roy Jenkins, David Owen Shirley Williams and William Rogers ] later amalgamated with the liberal party to form the liberal democrats,1986

Children playing in the environs of concrete Portsdown Park a socialhousing failure in Portsmouth that was eventually demolished

Radio presenters James Naughty and John Humphries read the morning papers before the start of The Today Programme ,1997

Giorgio Armani working on his new collection
Armani Backstage published by Federico Motta 2002

Giorgio Armani and architect Tadao Ando at the launch of the new Armani theatre in Milan,2001
Armani Backstage published by Federico Motta 2002

Fashion model backstage for Giorgio Armani’s new collection
Armani Backstage published by Federico Motta 2002

Model Shalom Harlow at the Spring Summer show Savage Beauty of fashion designer Alexander McQueen. London 1999

Alexander McQueen spring summer show Savage Beauty at London fashion week 1999

Alexander McQueen spring summer show Savage Beauty at London fashion week 1999.

Model is silhouetted as she moves down the runway towards the light,London fashion week

Daily life in Haiti. A girl behind a wall decorated with conche shells ,Haiti Port au Prince 1993

Portrait of girl in Haiti,1993

Moslem women in a farming village near Aligarh in North India

A fearful Moslem shopkeeper emerges from his building after Hindus and Moslems clashed in riots Indgah Park in Chadni Chowk,India 1990

A migrant labourer at a stone quarry in Suradjkund-Badkal,India 1990

Husena and Fukin the first people to be diagnosed with Arsenicosis water pollution in West Bengal, Bangladesh

Abdul Rashid who is very sick with Arsenicosis sits dejectedly on his veranda.,Bangladesh
In the 1970's UNICEF initiated the boring of deep wells in villages across the Ganges Delta in a well intentioned mission to eradicate water born diseases and epidemics. Years later it was discovered that the aquifers which store the clean water also contain a deadly element which has always been carried by The Ganges from the Himalyas ARSENIC. It is now poisoning close to one hundred million inhabitants and the majority of the population have no choice but to continue drinking the water.

People in the Village of Chandolati hold up their palms with signs of skin infection.Water pollution in Bangladesh

A 9 year old Masai schoolboy cleaning the blackboard in his makeshift school in southern Kenya, 1990

Family portrait Nepal 1988

Boy soldiers of the Tamil Tigers.Tamil Tiger fighters in and around Jaffna in The north of Sri Lanka during their war against the Sri Lankan Army and The Indian Army.The war has lasted for over thirty years and is one of the worlds longest conflicts.The Tamils are fighting for an Independent Tamil homeland in the north of the Island.Many of the soldiers are children from 8 to 15 years old

Hindus and Moslems clashed in riots Indgah Park in Chadni Chowk, India 1990

Following sabotage of a massive Ethiopian army ammunition store in the center of the city this man was one of many hundreds killed by exploding ammunition, Addis Ababa 1991

At the end of the first Persian Gulf War in April 1991 the Kurdish people of northern Iraq rose up against Saddam Hussein but the insurrection was quickly and brutally suppressed by the Iraqi Republican Guard and fearing for their lives hundreds of thousands of Kurds fled from Northern Iraq into the mountains bordering Turkey where they were held by the Turkish army in a massive makeshift refugee camp near Isikveren

Portrait of two old men in the street in Sebastopol Crimea Ukraine,1994.

A man playing automated bingo at a bingo hall in Manchester

Bingo player in bingo hall Manchester

Demonstration by residents of Broadwater Farm in London protest about heavy handed policing of their community,1987
A picture of Margaret Thatcher used as a target pinned to a dart board in a Pub in the north of England exemplifies the hatred for the Prime Minister by many Labour Party supporters in the United Kingdom,1987
Neil Kinnock addressing a rally in Sheffield during the 1993 general election. It was razzamatazz american style and labour were leading in the opinion polls until the hubristic tone of this rally alienated voters and heralded the birth of new labour,1993
Tony Blair at London's Festival Hall addressing party supporters on the night of New Labour's landslide election victory in 1997
A police cordon to prevent striking miners picketing at Shirebrook Colliery during the miner's strike 1984-1985
Members of the seamans Union stage a protest and express their feeling about strike breakers manning the cross channel ferries
In 1988 nurses took diect action and struck demanding better pay and conditions in the NHS,1988
War widows remembrance at the Cenotaph Whitehall,1985
Police shield the South African embassy during an anti-apartheid demonstration and stand on a placard inscribed with the slogan free Nelson Mandela,London 1986
Man wearing John Major mask on College Green beside houses of parliament general election campaign ,1997
Three children part of the travelling band called The Hippy Convoy watch with expressions of surprise and indignation as their parents caravan homes are removed by the police from a farmers field in Wiltshire,1986
Children in an alleyway in a run down council housing estate in Leicester,1989
Pupils at Eton College participate in the traditional Eton Wall Game,1992
Boxers prepare before a boxing contest in Lewisham. The team called The Firm were managed by promoter Frank Maloney 1986
Sikhs in Gravesend
Soul Train Young people enjoy the big dipper in Great Yarmouth before an all-night soul disco,1984
Punk and city gent
Two punks kissing at a demonstration Manchester Against The Missiles in 1981
Veteran Labour leader Michael Foot addressing a crowd at The Miners Gala In Cardiff
Neil Kinnock
Portrait of Indian Bengali−English writer Nirad Chauduri
A member of the travelling community generally called The Hippy Convoy crouches by a camp fore
Dr David Owen at a Social Democratic Party Rally. The party formed by a group of breakaway labour politicians [ Roy Jenkins, David Owen Shirley Williams and William Rogers ] later amalgamated with the liberal party to form the liberal democrats,1986
Children playing in the environs of concrete Portsdown Park a socialhousing failure in Portsmouth that was eventually demolished
Radio presenters James Naughty and John Humphries read the morning papers before the start of The Today Programme ,1997
Giorgio Armani working on his new collection
Armani Backstage published by Federico Motta 2002
Giorgio Armani and architect Tadao Ando at the launch of the new Armani theatre in Milan,2001
Armani Backstage published by Federico Motta 2002
Fashion model backstage for Giorgio Armani’s new collection
Armani Backstage published by Federico Motta 2002
Model Shalom Harlow at the Spring Summer show Savage Beauty of fashion designer Alexander McQueen. London 1999
Alexander McQueen spring summer show Savage Beauty at London fashion week 1999
Alexander McQueen spring summer show Savage Beauty at London fashion week 1999.
Model is silhouetted as she moves down the runway towards the light,London fashion week
Daily life in Haiti. A girl behind a wall decorated with conche shells ,Haiti Port au Prince 1993
Portrait of girl in Haiti,1993
Moslem women in a farming village near Aligarh in North India
A fearful Moslem shopkeeper emerges from his building after Hindus and Moslems clashed in riots Indgah Park in Chadni Chowk,India 1990
A migrant labourer at a stone quarry in Suradjkund-Badkal,India 1990
Husena and Fukin the first people to be diagnosed with Arsenicosis water pollution in West Bengal, Bangladesh
Abdul Rashid who is very sick with Arsenicosis sits dejectedly on his veranda.,Bangladesh
In the 1970's UNICEF initiated the boring of deep wells in villages across the Ganges Delta in a well intentioned mission to eradicate water born diseases and epidemics. Years later it was discovered that the aquifers which store the clean water also contain a deadly element which has always been carried by The Ganges from the Himalyas ARSENIC. It is now poisoning close to one hundred million inhabitants and the majority of the population have no choice but to continue drinking the water.
People in the Village of Chandolati hold up their palms with signs of skin infection.Water pollution in Bangladesh
A 9 year old Masai schoolboy cleaning the blackboard in his makeshift school in southern Kenya, 1990
Family portrait Nepal 1988
Boy soldiers of the Tamil Tigers.Tamil Tiger fighters in and around Jaffna in The north of Sri Lanka during their war against the Sri Lankan Army and The Indian Army.The war has lasted for over thirty years and is one of the worlds longest conflicts.The Tamils are fighting for an Independent Tamil homeland in the north of the Island.Many of the soldiers are children from 8 to 15 years old
Hindus and Moslems clashed in riots Indgah Park in Chadni Chowk, India 1990
Following sabotage of a massive Ethiopian army ammunition store in the center of the city this man was one of many hundreds killed by exploding ammunition, Addis Ababa 1991
At the end of the first Persian Gulf War in April 1991 the Kurdish people of northern Iraq rose up against Saddam Hussein but the insurrection was quickly and brutally suppressed by the Iraqi Republican Guard and fearing for their lives hundreds of thousands of Kurds fled from Northern Iraq into the mountains bordering Turkey where they were held by the Turkish army in a massive makeshift refugee camp near Isikveren
Portrait of two old men in the street in Sebastopol Crimea Ukraine,1994.
A man playing automated bingo at a bingo hall in Manchester
Bingo player in bingo hall Manchester