2009 and 2017: peple at inaugration

1990. Karachi Pakistan. Edhi Center mental institution

Manila 1986: Smoking Mountain refuse dump

Haiti, 1990: Aristide supports march in downtown Port au Prince

2005: Street maintance workers from eastern Europe. London, England

1988: North of Islambad, Pakistan Steelworker.

1990: Central Pakistan. Child brick makers.

Lahore, Pakistan 1990: Supporters of a candidate greet him as he arrives in a car carvan.

Pretoria, SA, 1991: Father, daughter and their dog who where planning on leaving SA with the advent of majority rule. They posed with the family's long time "servant" who would not be leaving.

1991: Miners on their way to work. South Africa BOP, South Africa, the "homeland" Bophuthatswana Copyright Robert Gumpert

1991: Lusaka, Zambia. Miner in a bar.

San Francisco, CA. 2003: Traders on the floor of the Pacific Exchange argue about a trade.

2001: San Francisco, CA. Iron worker on one of the new building in along Market St.

1974: Coal miner near the face. Harlan County, KY.

2000: Machinists. Near Sacramento, CA.

San Francisco, CA. 2000. Apprentice contruction worker covered in insulation material.

2001. Calexico, CA. USA. Between 2-5 am agricultural workers with work permits cross the border from Mexicali. They wait in parking lots and street corners to board labor contractor's buses for agriculural work in the Imperial Valley, CA and as far east as Yuma, AR. Places on the buses are first come so workers often sit for several hours on the buses of contractors and crops paying the highest wage.. Workers are paid only for the time in the field.

2001: Clothing worker. Los Angeles, CA.

1993: Virginia: Clothing plant worker making men's clothing. Most of the workers are women.

1994: SF, CA. USA: The Pickle Family Circus of San Francisco

23 January 2003. Calexico, CA. USA. Working a brocchli fied in California's Imperial ValleyAgricultural workers with work permits cross the border from Mexicali where they wait in parking lots and street corners to board labor contractor's buses for agriculural work in the Imperial Valley, CA and as far east as Yuma, AR.

2001: Oakland, CA. Highland Hospital ED, a resident stiches up a patient in Alameda County's public hospital.

2000: Oakland, CA. ED nurse at Alameda County's public Highland Hospital assists a patient.

2001: San Leandro, CA Alameda County. USA. JThe public hospital John George Psych Emergency Services.

2001: San Leandro, CA Alameda County. USA. JThe public hospital John George Psych Emergency Services.

2002: San Leandro, CA Alameda County. USA. JThe public hospital John George Psych Emergency Services.

First Contact Project. Paramedics in Alameda County, CA. 2003. Triage area Highland Hospital where paremedics and the patients they bring in wait why a triage nurse works up the patient's condition and does the paperwork.

2004: Highland ED, Oakland, CA. public hospital.Woman who has sores from srachting due to heroin

2002: San Leandro, CA Alameda County. USA. JThe public hospital John George Psych Emergency Services.

The old intake where new inmates begin processing into the jail - closed in 1996. Lost Promise - The Criminal Justice System. 1993-1996 in San Francisco, CA. In four parts: Cops in the Tenderloin area; Jail; Homicide; Tournment of Shadows: The Public Defender and the Courts.

A safety cell for those that are "a danger to themselves or others". Current policy is to give inmates a garment. Lost Promise - The Criminal Justice System. 1993-1996 in San Francisco, CA. In four parts: Cops in the Tenderloin area; Jail; Homicide; Tournment of Shadows: The Public Defender and the Courts.

San Francisco, CA. Booking of murder suspect and documenting neck wounds from his attempt at suicide. Lost Promise - The Criminal Justice System. 1993-1996 in San Francisco, CA. In four parts: Cops in the Tenderloin area; Jail; Homicide; Tournment of Shadows: The Public Defender and the Courts.

2006. San Francisco, CA. USA: San Francisco County Jail. On a tier in the old San Francisco's County Jail located in San Bruno, CA. Closed and replaced in August 2006. Passing time in this old jail, built in 1934, was California's oldest operating county jail. After a number of law suits and court orders the jail was replaced and closed in August 2006.Not for reproduction without permission of copyright holderNot for reproduction without permission of copyright holder

2006. San Francisco, CA. USA: San Francisco County Jail. On a tier in the old San Francisco's County Jail located in San Bruno, CA. Closed and replaced in August 2006. Passing time in this old jail, built in 1934, was California's oldest operating county jail. After a number of law suits and court orders the jail was replaced and closed in August 2006.Not for reproduction without permission of copyright holderNot for reproduction without permission of copyright holder

2006. San Francisco, CA. USA: SF County Jail in San Bruno. "Sunbathing" at the old jail once known as the Sunshine Farm. The old San Francisco's County Jail located in San Bruno, CA. Closed and replaced in August 2006. The old jail, built in 1934, was California's oldest operating county jail. After a number of law suits and court orders the jail was replaced and closed in August 2006.

San Bruno, CA. San Francisco County Jail 5: Samuel L Jones

San Francisco County Jail 5 6 Ap. 07: Borin Peang, Camboidian refugee

San Francisco County Jail 5 8 Ap 2007: Donald S Lienau

San Francisco County Jail 5 25 May, 07: Chris Mills (L) and Byron Byers (R)

San Francisco, CA 2 June 07. SF CJ2: marie de Castro

San Francisco, CA 9 June 07: CJ2, D pod. Fiona Thomas. Pregnant

San Francisco County Jail 5 on the rec court that each pod has. L-R) Erik Aburto; Zeniff Ramirez; Luis Cruz; Neil Chan; and Reynaldo Pacheco

San Francisco, CA. 7 Dec. 08: SF CJ5 W (Annex-programs). Steve Solo

2010_03_25: San Francisco, CA. SF County Jail 2, women's jail. Shanika Perkins. Tats and life audio

2010_04_01: San Francisco, CA. USA. San Francisco County Jail 2. Monique Williams. Good audio about life.

2009 and 2017: peple at inaugration
1990. Karachi Pakistan. Edhi Center mental institution
Manila 1986: Smoking Mountain refuse dump
Haiti, 1990: Aristide supports march in downtown Port au Prince
2005: Street maintance workers from eastern Europe. London, England
1988: North of Islambad, Pakistan Steelworker.
1990: Central Pakistan. Child brick makers.
Lahore, Pakistan 1990: Supporters of a candidate greet him as he arrives in a car carvan.
Pretoria, SA, 1991: Father, daughter and their dog who where planning on leaving SA with the advent of majority rule. They posed with the family's long time "servant" who would not be leaving.
1991: Miners on their way to work. South Africa BOP, South Africa, the "homeland" Bophuthatswana Copyright Robert Gumpert
1991: Lusaka, Zambia. Miner in a bar.
San Francisco, CA. 2003: Traders on the floor of the Pacific Exchange argue about a trade.
2001: San Francisco, CA. Iron worker on one of the new building in along Market St.
1974: Coal miner near the face. Harlan County, KY.
2000: Machinists. Near Sacramento, CA.
San Francisco, CA. 2000. Apprentice contruction worker covered in insulation material.
2001. Calexico, CA. USA. Between 2-5 am agricultural workers with work permits cross the border from Mexicali. They wait in parking lots and street corners to board labor contractor's buses for agriculural work in the Imperial Valley, CA and as far east as Yuma, AR. Places on the buses are first come so workers often sit for several hours on the buses of contractors and crops paying the highest wage.. Workers are paid only for the time in the field.
2001: Clothing worker. Los Angeles, CA.
1993: Virginia: Clothing plant worker making men's clothing. Most of the workers are women.
1994: SF, CA. USA: The Pickle Family Circus of San Francisco
23 January 2003. Calexico, CA. USA. Working a brocchli fied in California's Imperial ValleyAgricultural workers with work permits cross the border from Mexicali where they wait in parking lots and street corners to board labor contractor's buses for agriculural work in the Imperial Valley, CA and as far east as Yuma, AR.
2001: Oakland, CA. Highland Hospital ED, a resident stiches up a patient in Alameda County's public hospital.
2000: Oakland, CA. ED nurse at Alameda County's public Highland Hospital assists a patient.
2001: San Leandro, CA Alameda County. USA. JThe public hospital John George Psych Emergency Services.
2001: San Leandro, CA Alameda County. USA. JThe public hospital John George Psych Emergency Services.
2002: San Leandro, CA Alameda County. USA. JThe public hospital John George Psych Emergency Services.
First Contact Project. Paramedics in Alameda County, CA. 2003. Triage area Highland Hospital where paremedics and the patients they bring in wait why a triage nurse works up the patient's condition and does the paperwork.
2004: Highland ED, Oakland, CA. public hospital.Woman who has sores from srachting due to heroin
2002: San Leandro, CA Alameda County. USA. JThe public hospital John George Psych Emergency Services.
The old intake where new inmates begin processing into the jail - closed in 1996. Lost Promise - The Criminal Justice System. 1993-1996 in San Francisco, CA. In four parts: Cops in the Tenderloin area; Jail; Homicide; Tournment of Shadows: The Public Defender and the Courts.
A safety cell for those that are "a danger to themselves or others". Current policy is to give inmates a garment. Lost Promise - The Criminal Justice System. 1993-1996 in San Francisco, CA. In four parts: Cops in the Tenderloin area; Jail; Homicide; Tournment of Shadows: The Public Defender and the Courts.
San Francisco, CA. Booking of murder suspect and documenting neck wounds from his attempt at suicide. Lost Promise - The Criminal Justice System. 1993-1996 in San Francisco, CA. In four parts: Cops in the Tenderloin area; Jail; Homicide; Tournment of Shadows: The Public Defender and the Courts.
2006. San Francisco, CA. USA: San Francisco County Jail. On a tier in the old San Francisco's County Jail located in San Bruno, CA. Closed and replaced in August 2006. Passing time in this old jail, built in 1934, was California's oldest operating county jail. After a number of law suits and court orders the jail was replaced and closed in August 2006.Not for reproduction without permission of copyright holderNot for reproduction without permission of copyright holder
2006. San Francisco, CA. USA: San Francisco County Jail. On a tier in the old San Francisco's County Jail located in San Bruno, CA. Closed and replaced in August 2006. Passing time in this old jail, built in 1934, was California's oldest operating county jail. After a number of law suits and court orders the jail was replaced and closed in August 2006.Not for reproduction without permission of copyright holderNot for reproduction without permission of copyright holder
2006. San Francisco, CA. USA: SF County Jail in San Bruno. "Sunbathing" at the old jail once known as the Sunshine Farm. The old San Francisco's County Jail located in San Bruno, CA. Closed and replaced in August 2006. The old jail, built in 1934, was California's oldest operating county jail. After a number of law suits and court orders the jail was replaced and closed in August 2006.
San Bruno, CA. San Francisco County Jail 5: Samuel L Jones
San Francisco County Jail 5 6 Ap. 07: Borin Peang, Camboidian refugee
San Francisco County Jail 5 8 Ap 2007: Donald S Lienau
San Francisco County Jail 5 25 May, 07: Chris Mills (L) and Byron Byers (R)
San Francisco, CA 2 June 07. SF CJ2: marie de Castro
San Francisco, CA 9 June 07: CJ2, D pod. Fiona Thomas. Pregnant
San Francisco County Jail 5 on the rec court that each pod has. L-R) Erik Aburto; Zeniff Ramirez; Luis Cruz; Neil Chan; and Reynaldo Pacheco
San Francisco, CA. 7 Dec. 08: SF CJ5 W (Annex-programs). Steve Solo
2010_03_25: San Francisco, CA. SF County Jail 2, women's jail. Shanika Perkins. Tats and life audio
2010_04_01: San Francisco, CA. USA. San Francisco County Jail 2. Monique Williams. Good audio about life.