12th July. British Army erects a barricade acroos the street to prevent the Loyalist Orange Order marching through the Catholic occupied Obin Street. Portadown, Northern Ireland. 1987

British Army during a dawn raid in the nationalist Ardoyne. Belfast, 1988. Northern Ireland

Tea Time. Ardoyne, Belfast. 1987. Northern Ireland

Loyalists gather at the annual bonfire at the Shankill Rd, Belfast, celebrating the victory at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. Northern Ireland, July 11th 1994

The border with the Republic of Ireland at Strabane. Child in a caravan with the British Army border checkpoint behind. Northern Ireland 1990

Mourners mount a vigil, and protest at the RUC demanding control of the funeral of IRA member Lawrence Marley, who was assasinated by loyalist gunmen. Ardoyne, Belfast 1987. Northern Ireland

IRA guard of honour at the wake of Dan McCann who was killed by the SAS in Gibralter with fellow IRA members Sean Savage and Mairead Farrell. Belfast 1988

Funeral of the Gibralter Three, killed by the SAS in Gibralter. Belfast, Northern Ireland, 1988

Funeral of Dann McCann, Sean Savage and Mairead Farrell at Milltown Cemetery, Belfast.. The three IRA members were shot by the SAS while allegedly preparing to bomb a parade of the Royal Anglian Regiment in the centre of Gibraltar. For many, the fact that the victims were unarmed confirmed that the British government was pursuing a 'shoot-to-kill' policy against the IRA. Belfast 16th March 1988. Northern Ireland

Mourners take cover at the funeral of the Gibralter Three, dan McCann, Sean savage and Mairead Farrell who were shot by the SAS in Gibralter. Michael Stone a Loyalist gunman opened fire on mourners at the funeral killing three and wounding many more. Milltown cemetary, Belfast 1988. Northern Ireland

British soldier crouches behind wall, while life goes on. Crumlin Rd. Ardoyne, Belfast 1988. Northern Ireland

British Army patrol on the Nationalist Falls Rd after a night of rioting. Belfast 1987. Northern Ireland

Mourners gather outside the home of Lawrence Marley who was assasinated by loyalist gunmen at his home. Ardoyne, Belfast 1987. Northern Ireland

Border road blocked by barricade at the border between the Republic and the North of Ireland. Woman makes the crossing. County Tyrone. Northern Ireland 1990

Young boy with severe asthma breathing through a nebuliser. A high incidence of asthma found in children living close to the chemical works in Grangetown, Northumberland. UK.

Youths hanging out on the Ford Estate. Birkenhead, Merseyside. 1981. United Kingdom

Youths hanging out in Granby Street. Toxteth. Liverpool 8. 1982

Toxteth, Tiverpool 8.

Youth hanging out. Everton. Liverpool

Youths play in abandoned car. Everton, Liverpool.

Homeless youths sniffing glue, Central London 1986

Prison officers watch over a prisoner toeing the line during an interview with the govenor. Pentonville Prison. London England

Prisoners dressing and making their beds in their cell. Pentonville Prison. London, England

Homeless men queuing for access toa night shelter. London

Home Help with elderly woman at home. London

Family having tea. Manchester.

Two old men in cloth caps in conversation in their local pub. Kentish Town, London. 1975

A Primary Health Care Team operating from the Earle Rd medical centre, Liverpool. The Centre is home to three GP practices. From the centre, district nurses, midwives, health visitors, practice nurses and councilors operate. There is also a pharmacist on the premises. Liverpool, 1998. UK.

A Primary Health Care Team operating from the Earle Rd medical centre, Liverpool. The Centre is home to three GP practices. From the centre, district nurses, midwives, health visitors, practice nurses and councilors operate. There is also a pharmacist on the premises. Liverpool, 1998. UK.

Catholic priests awaiting the arrival of the Pope. 200,000 people attend an open air mass at Reims. France 1996

Pilgrims gather for morning prayers at the edge of Met Maryam one of the undergroung rock hewn churches of Lalibela. Ethiopia 1999

Pilgrim makes the ascent over rock and through mist and rain to the summit of Croagh Patrick. Ireland's patron saint Patrick fasted for 40 days on the summit in 441 AD. County Mayo, Ireland. 1996

Pilgrims rerst their ears above the rock upon which Jesus was allagedly beaten, believing they are able hear his beatings through the stone. The Chapel of the Mocking, The Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem. 1999.

Pilgrims being baptised in the River Jordan, Kibbutz Kinneret, Israel

A pilgrim receiving the Holy Fire during Easter celebrations in the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, Israel

Pilgrims crawl on their hands and knees to the shrine in the hope of miracles and blessings. Tinos, Greece 1995

Bradford, in Yorkshire, is home to the largest Muslim polulatiuon in Britain with some 75,000 lured by employment offered in the mills in the 1950's. Asian Muslims make up 18% of the population and there are sixty mosques in the town. Lumb lane Mosque, Manningham

Bradford, in Yorkshire, is home to the largest Muslim polulatiuon in Britain with some 75,000 lured by employment offered in the mills in the 1950's. Asian Muslims make up 18% of the population and there are sixty mosques in the town.

Bradford, in Yorkshire, is home to the largest Muslim polulatiuon in Britain with some 75,000 lured by employment offered in the mills in the 1950's. Asian Muslims make up 18% of the population and there are sixty mosques in the town. Children studying the Koran, Victor Street Mosque, Manningham.

Men and women separated by a screen during a wedding celebration. Members of The Lubavitch movement of Orthodox Hassidic Judaism. Stamford Hill, North London 1985

Members of The Lubavitch movement of Orthodox Hassidic Judaism. Stamford Hill, North London 1985

Woman braiding young girl's hair as she prepares for school. Their home had been demolished by the Israeli Defense Force as punishment . Jabalya Refugee Camp, Gaza 1988

Women winnowing sorghum. Lethotho, Southern Africa. 1980

Farmer bringing home his animals. Lesotho, Southern Africa. 1980

Migrant worker undergoing health check. Maseru, Lesotho 1980

Yong boy on the mud wall of the rondavel that is home. Lesotho, Southern Africa. 1980

Children at the Gradinari hospital for the handicapped near Bucharest. A staff of four nurses, a medical assistant, a cook and a washerwoman look after 96 children and 25 adults. Romania, Feb 1990

Children at the Gradinari hospital for the handicapped near Bucharest. A staff of four nurses, a medical assistant, a cook and a washerwoman look after 96 children and 25 adults. Romania, Feb 1990

The Velvet Revolution.Two women kiss while celebrating the collapse of Communism in Czechoslovakia. Wenceslas Square, Prague. 24th November 1989

Vaclav Havel and Alexander Dubcek embrace as news comes through of the resignation of the majority of the Czech Praesidium. The Magic Lantern Theatre. Prague. Czechoslovakia. 24th November 1989

12th July. British Army erects a barricade acroos the street to prevent the Loyalist Orange Order marching through the Catholic occupied Obin Street. Portadown, Northern Ireland. 1987
British Army during a dawn raid in the nationalist Ardoyne. Belfast, 1988. Northern Ireland
Tea Time. Ardoyne, Belfast. 1987. Northern Ireland
Loyalists gather at the annual bonfire at the Shankill Rd, Belfast, celebrating the victory at the Battle of the Boyne in 1690. Northern Ireland, July 11th 1994
The border with the Republic of Ireland at Strabane. Child in a caravan with the British Army border checkpoint behind. Northern Ireland 1990
Mourners mount a vigil, and protest at the RUC demanding control of the funeral of IRA member Lawrence Marley, who was assasinated by loyalist gunmen. Ardoyne, Belfast 1987. Northern Ireland
IRA guard of honour at the wake of Dan McCann who was killed by the SAS in Gibralter with fellow IRA members Sean Savage and Mairead Farrell. Belfast 1988
Funeral of the Gibralter Three, killed by the SAS in Gibralter. Belfast, Northern Ireland, 1988
Funeral of Dann McCann, Sean Savage and Mairead Farrell at Milltown Cemetery, Belfast.. The three IRA members were shot by the SAS while allegedly preparing to bomb a parade of the Royal Anglian Regiment in the centre of Gibraltar. For many, the fact that the victims were unarmed confirmed that the British government was pursuing a 'shoot-to-kill' policy against the IRA. Belfast 16th March 1988. Northern Ireland
Mourners take cover at the funeral of the Gibralter Three, dan McCann, Sean savage and Mairead Farrell who were shot by the SAS in Gibralter. Michael Stone a Loyalist gunman opened fire on mourners at the funeral killing three and wounding many more. Milltown cemetary, Belfast 1988. Northern Ireland
British soldier crouches behind wall, while life goes on. Crumlin Rd. Ardoyne, Belfast 1988. Northern Ireland
British Army patrol on the Nationalist Falls Rd after a night of rioting. Belfast 1987. Northern Ireland
Mourners gather outside the home of Lawrence Marley who was assasinated by loyalist gunmen at his home. Ardoyne, Belfast 1987. Northern Ireland
Border road blocked by barricade at the border between the Republic and the North of Ireland. Woman makes the crossing. County Tyrone. Northern Ireland 1990
Young boy with severe asthma breathing through a nebuliser. A high incidence of asthma found in children living close to the chemical works in Grangetown, Northumberland. UK.
Youths hanging out on the Ford Estate. Birkenhead, Merseyside. 1981. United Kingdom
Youths hanging out in Granby Street. Toxteth. Liverpool 8. 1982
Toxteth, Tiverpool 8.
Youth hanging out. Everton. Liverpool
Youths play in abandoned car. Everton, Liverpool.
Homeless youths sniffing glue, Central London 1986
Prison officers watch over a prisoner toeing the line during an interview with the govenor. Pentonville Prison. London England
Prisoners dressing and making their beds in their cell. Pentonville Prison. London, England
Homeless men queuing for access toa night shelter. London
Home Help with elderly woman at home. London
Family having tea. Manchester.
Two old men in cloth caps in conversation in their local pub. Kentish Town, London. 1975
A Primary Health Care Team operating from the Earle Rd medical centre, Liverpool. The Centre is home to three GP practices. From the centre, district nurses, midwives, health visitors, practice nurses and councilors operate. There is also a pharmacist on the premises. Liverpool, 1998. UK.
A Primary Health Care Team operating from the Earle Rd medical centre, Liverpool. The Centre is home to three GP practices. From the centre, district nurses, midwives, health visitors, practice nurses and councilors operate. There is also a pharmacist on the premises. Liverpool, 1998. UK.
Catholic priests awaiting the arrival of the Pope. 200,000 people attend an open air mass at Reims. France 1996
Pilgrims gather for morning prayers at the edge of Met Maryam one of the undergroung rock hewn churches of Lalibela. Ethiopia 1999
Pilgrim makes the ascent over rock and through mist and rain to the summit of Croagh Patrick. Ireland's patron saint Patrick fasted for 40 days on the summit in 441 AD. County Mayo, Ireland. 1996
Pilgrims rerst their ears above the rock upon which Jesus was allagedly beaten, believing they are able hear his beatings through the stone. The Chapel of the Mocking, The Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem. 1999.
Pilgrims being baptised in the River Jordan, Kibbutz Kinneret, Israel
A pilgrim receiving the Holy Fire during Easter celebrations in the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem, Israel
Pilgrims crawl on their hands and knees to the shrine in the hope of miracles and blessings. Tinos, Greece 1995
Bradford, in Yorkshire, is home to the largest Muslim polulatiuon in Britain with some 75,000 lured by employment offered in the mills in the 1950's. Asian Muslims make up 18% of the population and there are sixty mosques in the town. Lumb lane Mosque, Manningham
Bradford, in Yorkshire, is home to the largest Muslim polulatiuon in Britain with some 75,000 lured by employment offered in the mills in the 1950's. Asian Muslims make up 18% of the population and there are sixty mosques in the town.
Bradford, in Yorkshire, is home to the largest Muslim polulatiuon in Britain with some 75,000 lured by employment offered in the mills in the 1950's. Asian Muslims make up 18% of the population and there are sixty mosques in the town. Children studying the Koran, Victor Street Mosque, Manningham.
Men and women separated by a screen during a wedding celebration. Members of The Lubavitch movement of Orthodox Hassidic Judaism. Stamford Hill, North London 1985
Members of The Lubavitch movement of Orthodox Hassidic Judaism. Stamford Hill, North London 1985
Woman braiding young girl's hair as she prepares for school. Their home had been demolished by the Israeli Defense Force as punishment . Jabalya Refugee Camp, Gaza 1988
Women winnowing sorghum. Lethotho, Southern Africa. 1980
Farmer bringing home his animals. Lesotho, Southern Africa. 1980
Migrant worker undergoing health check. Maseru, Lesotho 1980
Yong boy on the mud wall of the rondavel that is home. Lesotho, Southern Africa. 1980
Children at the Gradinari hospital for the handicapped near Bucharest. A staff of four nurses, a medical assistant, a cook and a washerwoman look after 96 children and 25 adults. Romania, Feb 1990
Children at the Gradinari hospital for the handicapped near Bucharest. A staff of four nurses, a medical assistant, a cook and a washerwoman look after 96 children and 25 adults. Romania, Feb 1990
The Velvet Revolution.Two women kiss while celebrating the collapse of Communism in Czechoslovakia. Wenceslas Square, Prague. 24th November 1989
Vaclav Havel and Alexander Dubcek embrace as news comes through of the resignation of the majority of the Czech Praesidium. The Magic Lantern Theatre. Prague. Czechoslovakia. 24th November 1989